What is a Brazilian Butt lift?

In recent years fuller and rounder buttock profiles have become desirable, prompting women to seek out surgical options to achieve their dreamed buttocks through surgery. Some women were born with a flat or too small derrière giving an unbalanced, less attractive body contour. For others, pregnancy, weight loss, or aging can leave the buttocks area looking small, flat or saggy.
The goal of the procedure is to add size and shape to your buttocks by extracting fat from another area of the body to enhance the buttocks. Liposuction is used to remove fat from other areas, such as the stomach, thighs, flanks, or back. The fat is then purified and prepared for transfer. This procedure has the added benefit of trimming unwanted fat from your body, for a more sculpted look. The purified fat is then carefully injected into the buttocks area to add lift, roundness, and volume.

To ensure the highest possible rate of fat survival, 10 to 15 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen treatments are highly recommended during recovery from an autologous fat transfer procedure.

In recent years fuller and rounder buttock profiles have become desirable, prompting women to seek out surgical options to achieve their dreamed buttocks through surgery. Some women were born with a flat or too small derrière giving an unbalanced, less attractive body contour. For others, pregnancy, weight loss, or aging can leave the buttocks area looking small, flat or saggy.

The goal of the procedure is to add size and shape to your buttocks by extracting fat from another area of the body to enhance the buttocks. Liposuction is used to remove fat from other areas, such as the stomach, thighs, flanks, or back. The fat is then purified and prepared for transfer. This procedure has the added benefit of trimming unwanted fat from your body, for a more sculpted look. The purified fat is then carefully injected into the buttocks area to add lift, roundness, and volume.

To ensure the highest possible rate of fat survival, 10 to 15 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen treatments are highly recommended during recovery from an autologous fat transfer procedure.

Grayscale portrait of sexy woman features Brazilian Butt Lift from Dr. Yoel Rojas
Brazilian Butt Lift

How Soon Will I See Results After BBL?

Results are IMMEDIATE. Your final results are still several weeks away allowing time for the swelling from the liposuction areas to subside and for the fat that was grafted to take and settle, or commonly known as “to fluff”.

How Long Does BBL Last?

The results from BBL are permanent. That is not to say that your body will not age or change with weight loss or gain, but the new proportions and curves are yours to keep. Dr. Rojas recommends keeping body weight within a 10-lb range to maintain results.

What Are The Benefits Of A Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift is all about adding shape and curves to your buttocks. It’s about filling out and looking better in your clothes. Plus, by utilizing your own fat, there’s nothing artificial or foreign being injected or implanted into your bottom. In addition, the fat we’re going to use is first removed from an area where you don’t want it. That’s a double benefit or win-win with these procedures.

How Is BBL Performed?

BBL, which is buttock augmentation with fat grafting, is much more than adding volume to the buttock. Reduction and reshaping of the surrounding tissue with liposuction is often the essential aspect of BBL. Excess fat in undesired areas around the buttocks is harvested with liposuction. This is often performed entirely around the torso and waist, 360 lipo. The fat must be treated delicately and concentrated in a sterile environment. This fat is transferred into the buttocks in a 3-dimensional method to achieve the desired shape.

VASER Liposuction And BBL?

VASER LIPO can be used as an additional liposuction tool to enhance the BBL result. The fat is treated with VASER ultrasound energy to emulsify the fat before removal. The quality and “take” of the fat are improved which can lead to improved results. There is less bruising and swelling of the liposuction areas which translates into an easier recovery.

Recovery After BBL

Butt augmentation and Brazilian Butt Lift recovery is a fairly tough recovery as there should be very little pressure on the area for at least 3 weeks after the procedure. This includes sitting and lying on the back.
Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure


Demand for this procedure is high and that leads to charlatans getting into the game. People who either don’t have the necessary training or experience with this process have led to some serious complications in patients. Dr. Yates is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, ensuring the level of expertise necessary to perform all of the procedures we offer. Still, there are risks with a Brazilian Butt Lift. As mentioned above, however, it’s critical that patients do their research when it comes to the level of training of the surgeon. There are the same risks involved with this procedure as with any surgery: infection, reaction to anesthesia, excessive bleeding, fluid accumulation, and the like. Specific to this procedure are these risks:
  • Numbness or changes in skin sensation
  • Fat necrosis
  • Asymmetry between buttocks
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Skin discoloration
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Enduring pain
  • Need for a revision procedure
  • What are the other options for butt augmentation?

    Fat grafting is the most common, and best method of butt augmentation, but other options do exist.

    Buttock implants are similar to breast implants but have a much broader and flatter shape. They are typically placed through an incision within the gluteal crease and can be placed above, below, or within the muscle. Butt implants have a fairly high complication rate, and Dr. Yates chooses not to do this procedure due to the complications.

    Fillers – Most commonly Sculptra and Bellafil. The results are mild, and the results are not permanent.

    Emsculpt for buttock augmentation. This is a new category of cosmetic procedures designed to build muscle to enhance the buttock. This is a different, more athletic type of buttock enhancement than achieved with fat transfer. It is a conservative size result in comparison to BBL With continued exercise and Emsulpt maintenance treatments, the result can be permanent.

    Brazilian Butt Lift at Dr. Yoel Rojas

    What is the cost of Brazilian Butt Lift?

    The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), which typically involves fat transfer to enhance buttock volume and shape, varies based on factors such as the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon’s experience, geographic location, and additional costs like anesthesia and facility fees. It’s important to discuss all these aspects during your consultation to fully understand the pricing.