What is no drain tummy tuck?
How is tummy tuck revision performed?
The incision is made horizontally across your lower abdomen near the pubic bone. The shape and length of the incision is determined based upon the extent of your procedure and the amount of skin to be removed. Scar minimizing techniques will be implemented as much as possible to reduce the final length of the scar.
The underlying abdominal muscles are pulled together, reattached, and secured. Excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is pulled tight. If required and planned, liposuction and Radiofrequency skin tightening will be implemented as well.
Once the muscle structures are reattached and the skin is trimmed, your incisions will be stitched and bandaged, and surgical drains placed. Some patients may not need drains depending on circumstances.
You will need to remain at the facility for a few hours for observation in our recovery room with a dedicated nurse to help you recover before being released to go home. We will give you detailed aftercare instructions that must be followed carefully to avoid infection or other side effects. Options for overnight and post-op after care are available upon request.
You will be given a compression garment to apply pressure to the incisions and reduce swelling. Drains are in place so your body can get rid of the excess fluid or blood during the healing process. Our team will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to reduce the likelihood of infection.
You will need to limit your physical activity during the healing process and closely follow the aftercare instructions regarding bandages and surgical drains. After the first week your bandages can be removed, and your results will start to appear. During a follow-up appointment, Dr. Rojas will evaluate your recommended level of activity and assess your progress. Most patients resume their normal daily routines after 2-3 weeks of healing. Recovery times vary. There is no single answer for how long it will take to recover from a tummy tuck. This applies to both men and women. Individual recoveries are based on a variety of factors, including age, general health, type to tummy tuck, and post-surgery care. During the following months, your incisions will fade, and your results will become more apparent as the healing process continues, revealing your new, beautiful, firm tummy.