What is Flankplasty?
Who is a Good Candidate?
Candidates for a flankplasty are those who experience stubborn fat, excess skin, or loose tissue on the lower body, located on the hips, lower back, and sides. These issues often become present after pregnancy or a dramatic weight loss. Those that are in good health and within their healthy weight range, but want to improve their contour, can benefit from a flankplasty. The flankplasty can be combined with liposuction, a tummy tuck, a thigh lift, and an upper body lift if needed.

Procedure Overview
Recovery and Results
Patients can expect 2-4 weeks of recovery following a flankplasty procedure. The 2 weeks should be spent at home, so patients should prepare to take this time off work. During this time, swelling, bruising, and general discomfort can be expected but managed with prescription pain medication. Antibiotics will also be prescribed. Exercise should be avoided for about 4-6 weeks. All post-op care instructions should be followed carefully to ensure successful results. As swelling continues to diminish, patients can enjoy their improved body contour around 3 months after surgery.